National and international networks
Cluster is a member of several national and international networks with the aim of promoting its activities within the various EU programming contexts:
EIT Food
Developed by the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT), it aims to support the development of an inclusive community of stakeholders in the agri-food sector in order to transfer innovation and entrepreneurial skills across Europe.
European Smart Specialisation Platform for Agri-Food (S3P Agri-Food)
Established by the EU, it aims to promote the development of joint European investment projects by encouraging and supporting cooperation in agri-food thematic areas referring to smart specialisation strategies identified on a national and regional level.
European Technology Platform (ETP) “Food for Life”
Recognised by the EC, it aims to provide solutions to the problems faced by citizens through the transfer of innovation, knowledge and information, encouraging consultation on priorities to be achieved between the public and private worlds, thereby increasing Europe’s competitiveness.
The PRIMA – Partnership for Research and Innovation in the Mediterranean Area initiative
The Prima is a joint research programme with the Mediterranean as its specific area of interest. It aims to set up a long-term structured partnership between the various states in order to systemise existing initiatives, promote solutions and innovation projects and strengthen Euro-Mediterranean cooperation.
METROFOOD-RI initiative
A project selected by ESFRI to strengthen European research, it promotes scientific cooperation by fostering interaction between the various stakeholders, as well as the creation of a common and shared database, information and knowledge on food and nutrition.
Italian Circular Economy Stakeholder Platform (ICESP)
Promossa da E.N.E.A., ha come obiettivo quello di diffondere la conoscenza dell’economia circolare in Italia, mappare e condividere le relative buone pratiche e favorire il dialogo multistakeholder per poi rappresentare in Europa le specificità del nostro paese.
World Food Research and Innovation Forum
The World Food Research and Innovation Forum project aims to promote a permanent global platform of policymakers and representatives of the research and innovation community, business and finance, dedicated to issues of food safety and traceability, food security and sustainability.